Your health is inextricably connected to your environment, which is why good Feng Shui benefits your health. Granted, Feng Shui may not alleviate all of your ailments; however, it can help optimize your wellbeing to the extent that your health is linked to your physical environment. On the other side of that coin, the lack of good Feng Shui can cause or exacerbate negative chi, which results in the kind of physical or mental stress that leads to illness.

One of the home’s main sources of bad health is the bathroom. Because it is a place of waste, it is also considered to be a place of dead chi. In addition, bathrooms have drains which suck or flush away good energy. For this reason, it's best to keep the toilet lid down and the bathroom door closed, especially if your bathroom is connected to your bedroom or is near your kitchen – you don't want the opposing energies to mix. One way to stabilize chi in the bathroom is by placing a crystal on the toilet tank. Furthermore, keeping your bathroom clean and disinfected will not only make it look and feel pleasant, it will also keep it free of germs and bacteria that cause people to become sick.
Leaky shower heads, pipes, and faucets waste more than water. Leaks represent (and often result in) a waste of money. They can also influence your emotional state. Water bills increase when such problems are ignored or allowed to perpetuate; suddenly you're wondering where all of your money is going and why you are feeling stressed. Make sure to have a plumber fix water leaks in or around your home as soon as you discover them.

When it comes to the health of you and your loved ones, why not have all of your bases covered with the use of Feng Shui? Not only will you reap the benefits of this ancient art's healing qualities, you will also enjoy the way it opens up and brightens the spaces you occupy. As you begin to make adjustments in accordance with Feng Shui, tell yourself that you have good health and feel wonderful. These intentions will then become tied to the physical changes you make and they will come to fruition in your physical reality.
Electromagnetic energy is a heavily discussed topic in Feng Shui these days, and it's important for you and those you love to be aware of its detriments. All life forms are made up of subtle, yet complex, electrical fields that influence vital functions such as metabolism, growth, thought, movement, and overall health. The human body is composed of ions, water, and minerals, making it a conductor of electrical energy. Billions of electrical impulses regulate the activity of every living cell in our bodies, affecting its ability to heal itself and impacting our wellbeing.

Typically, electromagnetic pollution pertains to radiation emitted by things like high tension power lines; however, invisible Electromagnetic Fields of Energy (EMFs) are an often overlooked danger to the nervous, endocrine, and reproductive systems as well as every organ and bone in the body. EMFs are generated by household and office items such as radios, home appliances, water-beds, smoke alarms, electric blankets, hair dryers, refrigerators, shavers, cell phones, computers, fluorescent lights, television and microwave transmitters, and so on.

Electromagnetic pollution weakens the immune system and can be responsible for additional physical, mental, and emotional stress in the body. Achieving optimal health in a flood of electromagnetic waves is a difficult challenge of our technology-driven world; thus, becoming consciously aware of this danger’s existence is you first step to reducing the effects of this silent killer. Take a look around your electromagnetic environment and determine which household and office appliances are indispensable and which ones can be eliminated. If it's simply impossible to avoid the use of certain equipment or appliances, try to consciously reduce your use of those things.

To mitigate the effects of EMF radiation from a holistic Feng Shui perspective, you should avoid microwaving foods and start increasing your consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Because EMFs deplete the immune system, it's also a good idea to replenish your body with vitamins, minerals, exercise, and meditation.

Feng Shui has two parts: the visible and the invisible. The visible refers to everything you can see and touch (walls, doors, furniture, etc.). The invisible refers to the life force energy (chi) and the influences of energies that previously occupied your space or land. In Feng Shui, everything involves an intention and an action. Action is the physical side of the process. When working with Feng Shui, an action is the tangible (visible) activity of, say, moving the bed to another location or painting a room a different color.

Intention (invisible chi) is the reason why you move the bed and the life change you hope to accomplish by making that adjustment. If you move the bed to improve your marriage, visualize the improvement while you are changing the placement of the bed. Tying the intention in with a physical action will make the change more effective and help you proactively fill the space with healing light and love.

Another example of intention in Feng Shui is cleaning – something people do more often than rearranging furniture. When you clean, whether it is a quick run of the broom, wipe of the counter tops, or purge of the closets and complete reorganization of your belongings, clean with the intention of inviting a fresh and renewed energy into the space, making it a pivot point for a positive, productive future. By aligning your intentions with your actions, you are being clear about what you intend to do and committing to it.

Whether you're faced with a minor perplexity or a grid-locking conundrum, Feng Shui principles can be used to facilitate your arrival to the solutions of life's many problems. Through the use of awareness and intention, Feng Shui can be an amazingly effective problem solving and goal manifesting tool.

There are also two aspects of Feng Shui: remedial and preventative. If you have identified a minor problem in your life, remedial Feng Shui can be used to help you solve it. In this
case, most people don't want to spend a great deal of time on the remedies, nor do they want remedies to disrupt their lives. Minor cures can be strengthened through the power of positive thoughts and intention. Feng Shui remedies are relatively simple and designed to help you improve various aspects of your life – room by room or project by project. If you find that one small cure leads you to implement other changes, it is advisable to take your time between each alteration to see how you feel after each one.

Preventative Feng Shui is applied when you decide that you want to renovate or redecorate your home. The idea behind this type of Feng Shui is that if you are going to make significant changes to your home then that is a great opportunity to improve the energies that exist in those spaces, thus improving your life. Many Feng Shui cures, when they accompany redecoration or renovation efforts, will not add any cost to the project and should help you make more informed choices on the colors, materials, and shapes that you are going to use, as well as how you plan to arrange furniture and so on. Preventative Feng Shui has an element which takes into consideration the time required for more profound changes; remedial Feng Shui can be applied more on an "as needed" basis.

In Feng Shui, timing is important. If you implement changes with a positive mindset, the result will feel good; if you're feeling moody or stressed, you should leave the changes for another day. Choosing the right time to commit to a project and accomplish your goals with a positive frame of mind will result in better flow of chi and a more harmonious atmosphere.

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Creating Smoother Energy Flow
It is difficult to keep life moving in a positive direction when you occupy spaces filled with blocked energy. Here are a few tips to loosen those blockages and facilitate the fluid motion of positive chi.

Cleanliness. A clean house provides fresh, clean energy; just the kind you truly need to stay happy, healthy, and lively.

Clear pathways. Keep hallways and driveways open and clear for energy to flow freely.

Clutter. Junk blocks energy, leading to frustrations and obstacles.

Repairs. Make sure all parts of your home are well kept and in good working condition. Broken or neglected belongings symbolize decaying energy.

Décor. Clean your windows, bring in mirrors, and experiment with mood-enhancing lighting (natural is preferred).

Living plants. Plants are not only beautiful, but they feed your mental energy and encourage the production of fresh thoughts.

Time for You

No matter how insane life is, your wellbeing depends on you scheduling a little time to relax and center. We are social creatures by nature; however, we also need some solitude that allows us time to reflect.

Step one: Find your happy place. It may be a cozy corner in your home, a rocking chair on your front porch, a meadow, a bookstore or a sauna at the gym. It doesn't matter where it is, as long as it is a place you associate with happiness and peace.

Step two: Schedule time each week to go to your happy place and commit to it as you would with other obligations. This will give you something to look forward to and a way to reward yourself for everything you do.

Step three: When you're in your happy place, do whatever it is you enjoy and give yourself permission to let everything else go for a little while. You'll come away feeling contented, refreshed, and ready to face whatever is next.

The Color Green

In Feng Shui, the color green belongs to the wood element. Wood represents new beginnings, good health, and vitality. Feng Shui colors are broken up into yin and yang colors. Yin colors have a healing, soothing, and peaceful energy. Yang colors are energetic and motivating. Green is considered a yin color.

Specific qualities of green include: serenity, balance, wellness, and spiritual and emotional growth. Use green as one of your Feng Shui colors wherever you wish to promote healing, renewal, positive growth, and fresh ideas. Use green in an office, bedroom, nursery, or any room occupied by someone with an illness. The best way to incorporate green is by bringing in plants with lush green foliage.

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