Mindfulness is something that most all of us here on Earth have the opportunity to work on. This is why so many spiritual teachers emerge to teach us different aspects of mindful living. To be mindful is to be aware, thoughtful, and fully present. It is, in this day and age, particularly difficult to be fully present in any given moment. Thoughts of the past, of the future, of what you need to get or do, or what you've already done – all of these things prevent you from living in the moment.

To discover mindfulness, think of the way that children interact with the world. Children are capable of being very strongly present and focused on the current moment. When exploring the world around them, they aren't thinking of anything other than what they are experiencing. Their entire world can be reduced to a dandelion, something that most adults would struggle with. Another way you can watch children demonstrate presence is when they fall down. They may fall, but unless they receive negative attention as a result, they just keep on going, continually moving on to the next thing in their journey.

The next time you feel your mind racing ahead of you, stop and practice mindfulness. Take deep breaths, focusing on both the inhalation and the exhalation – and the moments in between. If thoughts occur to you, take note of the thought and then return to the focus on your breath. Once you feel that you are back in the present moment you can consider any thoughts that may have occurred to you. Sometimes, all you need to do is acknowledge a thought and dismiss it. Being mindful can help you achieve your goals, find a greater sense of peace in the world, and even reclaim some of the joy you experienced as a child exploring the great wide world.

Aromatherapy isn't just something to indulge in at the spa, it is a powerful healing tool that you have at your fingertips whenever you need it! Aromatherapy through essential oils can treat a vast number of ailments, from emotional stress to digestion issues, from open wounds to allergies. All you need is a practitioner who knows the various plants and how their essential oils and aromas can help you heal. 

There are many different plant essences that can heal through aroma and oils, but for the sake of time, let us focus on one plant only: lavender. Lavender can be used in aromatherapy by adding it to a bath, applying the oil to the skin, or by laying a lavender-filled eye pillow over one's eyes. The effect is immediately calming and restorative. Lavender is also useful when used on burns, rashes, and other skin irritations. It helps to reduce inflammation and redness. Keeping a spray bottle with water and a few drops of lavender oil can also make a wonderful, cooling facial mist for hot summer days. That is only the beginning of what lavender can do, and lavender is only one plant out of many. Imagine the possibilities!

There are many fun and creative ways to manage stress, aside from the usual techniques like exercise, relaxation, meditation, and counseling. As a matter of fact, the following stress management ideas are not dissimilar from the more common methods in terms of what they accomplish: a sense of well-being, a venue for healthy expression, and a productive vehicle for coping. So if you'd like to explore some new ways to combat stress, try some of the tips below, or use them to develop techniques of your own.
  • Write yourself a letter or a love poem that complements you and highlights your successes.
  • Take pictures. Step outside yourself and look at the world around you though a lens. Snap photos of trees, flowers, animals, people, buildings, etc: whatever it is about your world that you truly appreciate.
  • Create a sacred space. Find a corner or small area of your house to fill with items that have a relaxing effect on you: candles, incense, artwork, photos, spiritual figures, books, crystals, etc. Make it a comfortable and welcoming space where you go to relax with no stress invited!
  • Paint or draw. Express yourself on canvas or paper! However you choose to manifest your energy in the form of art, run with it! You may even choose to ceremoniously break some old glass plates or trinkets and then reassemble them into a mosaic! Do something conducive to taking negative, stress-causing energy and turn it into a beautiful creation that's symbolic of your calm, positive mentality.
  • Take a class, play a sport, or cultivate a hobby. Anything you have a little time to focus on that is outside of your normal routine will enhance your overall quality of life. After all, it is something you can look forward to and a healthy diversion from the everyday.
  • Cook or bake something delicious for either yourself or someone else. For some people, immersing themselves in the preparation of delicious food is calming in and of itself. Cook with the intention of nourishing the bodies and souls of those you feed and it will make you feel good.
  • Make a lifetime to-do list. Include things (aside from work-related goals) that you'd like to do in life. Climb a mountain, visit the Egyptian pyramids, skydive, build a house for a family in need, take your children on a cross country road trip, or whatever! Think of things that pertain to your adult life as well as things you always wanted to do as a child. Make a promise to accomplish at least one of these things per year.
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Finding Joy in Your Universe

Did you ever see little children playing in a sandbox or on the beach? They create wonderful castles, great monuments, roads and aqueducts between cities in their sandbox. They create their own worlds of sand.  But then with glee and hand-clapping, they kick their castles to dust, destroy their roads, eliminate their aqueducts and start all over again with nothing but a blank pile of sand, happily creating another universe.

Inspiring Quotes
"There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." -Edith Wharton

"All our efforts must tend towards light." -Antonio Machado

"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Philo of Alexandria

"It is in changing that things find purpose." -Heraclitus

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