Our body is our most valuable asset.It is the vital part of who were are.Whether we agree or not,most often,people perceived us by how we look on the outside.

Being fit and healthy is the in thing. Actually, it really never goes out of style.Thus it is important that you take good care of it. Give it the proper attention it needs. When it comes to ensuring and maintaining our physical health, the best option is to do cardio training.


What Is Cardio Training?

Cardio training involves any activity that requires the use of the large muscle groups of the body in a regular and uninterrupted manner. It elevates the heart rate between 60 to 85 percent of the fastest heart rate you could get.

Some of the usual cardio training activities are walking, jogging, running, aerobics, cycling, tae bo, swimming and rowing. Cardio training is considered an aerobic exercise as one is required to move from one exercise to another.
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by Lilia Parker
We all wish our kids to grow up healthy. But how to teach the little ones about what is beneficial for their health. Forget about boring talks: let fruits do the wonder-talk for you!

Everyone knows eating fruit helps us to grow, but how can we get our children to take notice of this without resorting to physical force? Well, we can start by using fun games to acquaint and familiarise our children with fruits and berries. We need to start by giving them foods which they will eat willingly.

No doubt you all have at your disposal a cook book or some kind of gardening manual containing stunning photographs of delicious fruits and berries. Well, why not have a flick through this book with your child, show them the striking pictures and get them acquainted with various kinds of luscious fruits. To get them more involved, try acting out a role play where you can engage your child in a dialogue to help them appreciate the fruits. After this, you could compare the photographs in the books with the fruits that you have in your own home. Naturally, you will need to prepare for this in advance, but make sure this doesn't show when you are playing the game with your child. Again, why not play out a scene using friendly conversations, holding strawberries, currants, pears or bananas in your hand. When your child does not want to eat the fruit, ensure they are not forced to do so.
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In This Issue:

September Updates
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The 5 Fastest Ways To Tone Your Stomach And Build A Defined Mid-Section In Less Than A Month

Yep, that's right, swim. Not only does it provide excellent cardiovascular exercise, which will help you lose weight, but it helps you burn calories because of the water temperature.

Easy Does It on the Salt

Too much salt is bad for you because it raises your blood pressure, but guess what? It also makes you retain water.

Guzzle Some Green Tea

Green tea is pretty amazing stuff; it's loaded with antioxidants, which is great. However, it's also got a substance in it that is touted to burn fat.

Ramp Up Your Workout

If you've been sedentary for a while, easy does it. You don't want to be having any heart attacks because you did too much too soon.

Do Some Interval Cardio

This kind of harkens back to the previous point, but interval cardio has you getting your heart rate to 85% of its maximum for one minute, then reducing the intensity by 40% for one minute, then back to 85% of your heart rate maximum for one minute, then 40% for one minute, and so on.

Top Ten Running Training Tips

  1. In the immortal words of Walt Stack famed senior-citizen distance runner “Start slow … and taper.”
  2. At first keep your runs short and slow to avoid injury and soreness so you do not quit.
  3. If you are breathing too hard slow down or walk a bit until you feel comfortable again.
  4. Pick your route close to home (out your front door)—the more convenient it is the better chance you will have sticking with it.
  5. Find a beginner training plan for your first race.
  6. Set realistic short term and long term goals.
  7. Keep a training diary.
  8. Soreness one to two days after a run is normal (delayed onset muscle soreness).
  9. No amount of money spent on gadget training programs or funny food can substitute for minutes, hours, days and weeks on the road.
  10. There’s no shame in walking.

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