By Marissa Conrad (
If you're always getting sick, your immune system--a team of trillions of white blood cells that, when it’s healthy, attacks unwelcome invaders like viruses --may be to blame. Immunity can be weaker in some people than others depending on several factors, including the route by which these invaders enter the body (for example, nose vs. mouth) and how well the body demolished these invaders in the past, reports the National Institute of Health.

Yoga can help stimulate the four main physiological systems that are linked to the immune system: the circulatory system, the digestive system, the nervous system and the endocrine system, says Surya Kolpakov, LMT, Certified Yoga Therapist, owner of Aranama Studio in Newton Center, MA. Poses that affect at least one of these four systems help bolster immune system function, says Kolpakov, who teaches workshops on yoga and the immune system. “For example, I’ve found that Bow pose is one of the best ways to stimulate digestion and improve immunity,” he says. To help stave off colds and other pesky bugs, he recommends these immunity-boosting poses:

Down Dog:

Bow Pose:
Shoulder Stand:
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by Anna Montage (from
“AH –CHOO!” That sound becomes all too familiar this time of year; as the beauty and crispness of the autumn season arrive, so do colds and flus. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to make this fall and winter healthy. Even if you do catch a cold or flu, the right remedies can help make it as short and painless as possible.

1. Avoid Getting Run Down
– Feeling tired and run down is a big risk factor for getting sick. Sometimes family and work responsibilities may seem overwhelming. This is a good time to take stock of what’s truly most important and trim down everything else. Prevention is the best medicine. Getting the proper R & R that your body and mind need should be just as much a priority as everything else. Not only will you be less stressed, but you’ll also be more effective in everything you do.
2. Eat a Yoga Diet – A yoga diet, with the emphasis on whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and dairy products, naturally provides your body with both the nutrition and the antioxidants that your immune system needs to function optimally. One of the biggest dietary hazards for cold and flu season is too much sugar and other sweeteners. Fresh fruit and unprocessed honey are the best sweeteners to use. Too much sugar in your diet (whether it’s from white sugar, corn syrup, etc.) literally slows down your immune system, making your white blood cells too tired and sluggish to adequately fight infection.
3. Take a High-Quality Multivitamin and Mineral Supplement – There have been enough studies strongly in favor of supplementation that it just makes sense to give yourself that daily dietary insurance. The best supplement to take is one that is made from natural whole food sources as this helps to ensure that your body will be able to absorb the nutrients. Liquid multivitamin and mineral supplements are also good for absorption. Visit your local health food store for help in finding the best supplements for your needs.
4. Practice Yoga – Yoga not only stretches, strengthens, and tones your muscles, but it also invigorates your immune system and internal organs, helping to keep sickness at bay. Yoga also provides stress relief, which is vital for wellness. If you feel a cold coming on, try doing the Lion pose a few times a day. This pose brings fresh blood to your throat, helping to chase away the germs.
5. Wash Your Hands – You’ve probably heard it a million times before, but it is a fact that regular hand washing really does help prevent sickness.
6. Avoid Sick People When Possible - While a certain amount of exposure to sickness is inevitable in our daily lives, it can help to avoid obviously sick people. For example, if you notice that the cashier at the grocery store is sniffling, coughing or sneezing, just move to another line
Ginger is especially good during cold and flu season. It helps clear the sinuses, relieves congestion headaches, and reduces fever. It’s also an expectorant that expels mucus from the lungs and throat. The most effective way to take it for colds and flu is ginger tea.


    * 2 cups water
    * ¼ cup diced fresh ginger
    * 2 tsp. honey
    * Lemon juice (optional)
    * Cayenne pepper (optional)


   1. Boil the water, then add the ginger and simmer for about 20 minutes.
   2. Strain into a cup and add 2 teaspoons of honey (or to taste).
   3. If you like, you can add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a pinch of cayenne pepper to the pot to increase the stimulating, heating effect.
   4. Let us forewarn you now, though: This tea is fiery! Sip it—don't gulp it down.
Fall/Winter is beautiful time of year with the brightly colored fall leaves and, depending on where you live, mounds of bright white snow. But for a lot of people, including those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder, fall and winter can be a mental and emotional challenge as we face shorter, colder days with less sunshine. Bon Jovi says in his hit “It’s My Life” that the key to happiness is a heart “like an open highway.” Open your heart with backbends and other heart openers. They help expand the heart center by opening the chest and lungs to ease breathing, reduce stress, release tension held in your tissues, and improve your posture.

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August 15-17:
Asheville Sacred Music and Yoga Festival

October 10 - 12:
Anatomy and Yoga with David Keil

December 11-14, 2008 :Therapeutics Yoga Teacher Training and Intensive with Doug Keller

May 23-24, 2009:
Yoga and the Sutras with Shala Worsley

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