If you could have the ability to dramatically change some aspect of your life, what would it be? It's likely there's at least one area you'd opt to change: losing weight, earning more money, or finally opening that business you've dreamed about. Let's say you decide to start working toward one of these goals. At the beginning you start off motivated and strong, but after a while your enthusiasm begins to wane and, with no one to encourage you to keep moving toward your goals, you burn out and give up.

This is why hiring a life coach is so beneficial. They help you to live your life more purposefully so that you're continually making progress in your life. When you don't have the motivation to keep going and are tempted to settle back into the familiar, they help you to overcome the obstacles and fears eating away at your motivation. Life coaches can lead you to accomplish more than you even thought was possible.  All in less time than if you worked alone, and you'll have more fun than you would have had on your own.

Life coaches will help you to take your dreams and transform them into reality by helping you to set specific, measurable, time bound goals, and guiding you as you accomplish them step by step. In the same way that you might hire a nutritionist and a trainer to help you lose weight, or an acting coach to help you work on your acting skills, hiring a life coach will transform your life by putting it on a track and assuring you not only stay on the track, but make forward progress, too.

When you've found the right life coach for you, you'll feel completely at ease and comfortable answering the questions they ask you and working through the tasks they assign you. They'll remind you of your commitment to your goals and equip you with the encouragement, skills, attitudes, and techniques that will keep you motivated and steadily making progress toward your goals.

To ask a popular question, what would you do if you knew you could not fail? When seeking balance in your life and planning your future, life coaches will help you to accomplish everything you've been dreaming and more.

Having a sense of spirituality helps you to better understand yourself, your life, and your place within society and the world. Having such a sense of awareness helps you cope better with the changing tides of life.  For example: adapting to changes in your career, making sense of your experiences, and coping with major life changes. Studies have shown that those who pursue a spiritual life experience have a greater understanding of the universe, perceive more control over their life, have higher levels of personal resilience, and have increased levels of social support.

Furthermore, being on a spiritual path has broader implications than just the personal life. In fact, a person's commitment to a spiritual path positively influences their level of commitment to their career goals, their levels of motivation and job satisfaction, and even their willingness to work well with others.

Spirituality, one's search for the sacred in whatever form it may take, be it a higher power, object, principle, or concept that transcends the self, may be so important because it develops across one's lifespan.  Meaning that the spiritual traveler will work to find the meaning of life as it fits their world, and how their spirituality affects others and the world around them. This kind of self-awareness often leads to the type of purposeful living that moves proverbial mountains as it encourages the fostering of valuable relationships, self-inspection, and informed, conscious living.
For many parents of teens, bonding with their kids seems about as likely as said children deciding texting isn't an authentic form of communication or that, actually, getting that driver's license in a few years instead of as soon as possible does seem like a good idea. But the fact of the matter is that most teens do care about spending time with their parents, it's just difficult for them to communicate that. Finding common ground, sharing activities together, and keeping an open mind are all key methods of bonding with your teen. 

Find interests and activities you can experience together, even if one or both of you are new to it. Always wanted to go horseback riding but never had the chance? How about taking your teen for a day of horseback riding? You'll have a day of driving, riding, picnicking, and talking ahead of you, and even the most stubborn teens will end up communicating with their parents if they're together all day. Along with sharing fun and new experiences together, try showing an interest in some of the things your teen enjoys. If they're really into a particular TV show, for example, see if you can start making a date of watching it together every week. Everyone has more fun watching a show they enjoy while having someone to interact with, and they'll appreciate you taking an interest in something they like.

Meet your teen in the middle to help ease tension and create an environment of communication and trust. Having a hard time reaching your teen daughter when she's out with her friends? Start texting her and see how quickly she responds-- sometimes communicating with your teen is as easy reaching them using the same form of communication they use to talk with their friends. And when your teen bails on you to hang out with their friends, your feelings will be hurt, but be understanding and avoid guilt-tripping or being demanding.

Lastly, take every opportunity to have fun with your teen. Keep trying until you find an activity or interest you may both enjoy, and don't miss the humor in situations that will allow you to share a sweet moment of shared laughter. Remember that your teen won't remember their infancy or early childhood years but they will remember their teenage years. Do your best to cultivate warm memories that the both of you can appreciate down the road. And, to make the remembering a little easier, don't forget to take pictures!
The most crucial element in nursing the emotional wounds from a divorce is allowing yourself the time to heal. Like a traumatic injury or the death of a loved one, divorce is a painful event that requires time for mourning, healing, and the adjustment to your new life. This healing time also means you should give yourself at least a few months before you start trying to figure out what went wrong.

Along with allowing yourself time to heal from your divorce, accept the offers of support from your friends, family, counselors, etc. Even though isolating yourself may be tempting, letting others help you get through this difficult time in your life will keep you from spending too much time alone, feeling hopeless as you ponder over what might have been.  Surround yourself with loving, positive people who will support your journey of growth and healing. 

When you feel you're ready and the time comes for reflection, don't underestimate the power of forgiveness. True healing from a divorce will come when you're able to forgive yourself and your former spouse for everything you could have done or wish you had or hadn't done. Neither of you married with the intent to hurt one another, you married in love and somewhere along the way the bond was broken. But the marriage is over, and however rough the divorce, forgiving yourself for your past will grant you the freedom to move on. And, after all, your divorce is only a true tragedy if you allow it to mean the end of your love life.
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Overcoming Your Addictions

Regardless of whether your addiction is that morning cup of coffee or that afternoon block of chocolate to fend off a craving, you can overcome it. Remember that your addiction wasn't created in a day, so you probably won't be able to kick it in a day. Here are some tips to help you kick those bad habits and addictions:

1. Control your environment. If you've decided to stop drinking coffee, this probably means not meeting your girlfriends at a coffeehouse. If you're resolved to replace your afternoon chocolate habit with a healthier one, then keeping a stash of chocolate in your desk to tempt you isn't a good idea.

2. Find replacement behaviors. If your smoking addiction stems from stress, take up a yoga class to help you manage your stress. Even better, when you're tempted to smoke you can go work your way through some poses to fend off the craving.

3. Don't give up. If you "fall off the wagon," be gentle with yourself and don't be afraid to start over. For many, overcoming addiction is a process and so a few stumbles along the way are natural.

Meditating for Everyday People
If adding meditation to your life has been something you've been meaning to get to for a while now, why not start today? Whether your meditation is at home, school, work, or any other place you can take 5 minutes for yourself, the consciousness you'll gain from centering your mind and focusing on nothing but the smoothness of your breath will benefit every aspect of your life. You don't even need complete silence and an empty room to meditate-- focusing inwardly will allow you to eliminate the distractions in your environment.  To meditate positively anywhere, follow these simple steps:
  • Close your eyes.
  • Concentrate on taking slow, deep breaths.
  • Once you've been focused on your breath for a few minutes, hold your breath for a few seconds so you can slow your heartbeat.
  • Concentrating inwardly, slow your pulse.
Once you're able to create your own meditation oasis no matter where you are and what's happening around you, you'll be able to delve into the peace and harmony of the universe and in all things, to quote McCartney and Lennon, "Let it be."
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