June 2008 Newsletter

Summer Begins... Honoring our Fathers

Warm, powerful and penetrating are just a few of the many words that come to mind when meditating on the sun's solar energy that is pervading all things as summer quickly approaches.   The days are growing longer and brighter and it is certainly easier to wake up with the sunrise!  The plants are growing quickly, school is ending, and new things are on the horizon as we all become antsy for summer vacation and time to sit back and relax under the shade. 

For those of us with a Pitta (fire) constitution or imbalance, summertime can be anything but relaxing as the intensity of the heat penetrates our tissues, our mind and emotions.  To learn more about summertime management of Pitta, check out our upcoming Pancha Karma dates, our upcoming Seasonal Flow Yoga Workshop, and our "10 Tips for Summertime Health".   We will feature many more Pitta-pacifying tools in our July newsletter, so stay posted.

Also, June is the month when we honor the fathers and men in our lives who have supported and loved us through thick and thin.  Celebrate this Father's day with the gift of wellness and relaxation for your loved one.  See our June Specials for exciting gift ideas for Dad.

We are so blessed and thankful for your continued support.  It brings us great joy to serve you.

Summer Blessings,

Courtney Hall & Katy Martens
Puja Wellness Owners


10 Tips for Summertime Health

1) Enjoy a moderate exercise routine (not strenuous) during the cooler times of the day, either in the AM or PM hours. 

2) Avoid direct exposure to sun during the peak UV radiation hours or Pitta time, 10am-2pm.

3) Follow a Pitta-pacifying diet full of cooling, soothing, easily-digestible foods.  Favor the sweet, bitter and astringent tastes.  Avoid hot and spicy foods.

4) Drink cool herbal teas such as Cumin-Coriander-Fennel or make or incorporate other cooling summertime herbs such as hibiscus, rose petals, spearmint, peppermint, lemon balm, lemon grass and lemon verbena.

5) Practice ahimsa (non-violence) towards your Self and others.  Avoid overly-critical or judgmental thoughts.

6) Practice patience, tolerance and compassion towards others.  Express your gratitude for all of the blessings and gifts in your life.

7) Find activities that help relieve stress, such as dancing, singing, walking, meditating or journaling. 

8) Relieve excess stress and heat with daily Self-massage with coconut oil (for those who have excess heat only), or try Pinda, a cooling massage of coconut-herb infused boluses over the body.

9) Incorporate cooling and soothing organic essential oils into your day, including rose, jasmine, sandalwood or lavender.  Never place the oils directly on skin.  Dilute in a carrier oil first.

10) Relinguish control, let go, and be in the moment....and have fun!


Summer Pancha Karma

Join us for our seasonal discounted Pancha Karma: July 22nd-July 24th OR July 25th-July 27th

Cleanse the body and mind of excess heat, toxins and tension and pave the way for a healthy summer.  Pancha Karma is the traditional Ayurvedic cleansing and rejuvenation program that lasts from 8 to 11 days, sometimes longer depending on the individual.

Indications that summer Pancha Karma may be for you:
-Excess ama (toxins) in the tissues
-Heated emotions such as anger, rage, resentment, jealousy, or irritability
-Excess heat or inflammation anywhere in the body
-Pitta-predominant constitution or imbalance
-Chronic heated skin conditions such as psoriasis, rashes, eczema
-High stress-levels and burnout from a fast-paced, high-demand lifestyle

8-day Pancha Karma Package:  $650 (save $100!)
8-day Pancha Karma + Ayurvedic Initial Consultation:  $750  (save $100)

Your Pancha Karma experience includes 1) an instructional meeting, 2) individualized 2-hour treatments for three consecutive days, 3) all necessary supplies, 4) post-pancha karma rejuvenative plan, 5) support and guidance.

Contact us
soon to reserve your space! 


Seasonal Flow Yoga Workshop: Summer Heat Retreat

July 12, 1-4pm
Harbor Wellness Center
2711 Allen Blvd
Middleton, WI  53562
$40 Pre-registration (before July 5th)
$45 Late-registration (after July 5th)

Join us for a cooling afternoon retreat from the summer sun and intensity.  We will together enjoy a slow and meditative hatha yoga practice with moon salutations, yin yoga postures, relaxation and pranayama.  Learn Ayurvedic tricks and tools to stay healthy and vibrant this summer.

Contact us soon to reserve your space in this workshop.

Contact Info:
Puja Wellness, LLC
2711 Allen Blvd
Middleton, WI  53562

In This Issue:

Summer Begins... Honoring our Fathers
10 Tips for Summertime Health
Summer Pancha Karma
Seasonal Flow Yoga Workshop: Summer Heat Retreat
Father's Day Specials
Product Specials
Shitali Pranayama
Wisdom for Pitta
Contact Info

Father's Day Specials

  • Save $10 on any Gift Certificate Purchase of $50 or more.
  • Receive $10 off on any two-hour or longer treatment.  Examples include:
    • Ayurvedic Bliss Treatment (Abhyanga, Swedana, Shirodhara)
    • Abhyanga, Swedana, Udvartana
    • Abhyanga, Pinda
    • Abhyanga, Root or Heart Chakra Basti, Shirodhara
    • Nasya, Netra Tarpana, Abhyanga
  • Refer your own Father (or husband) to Puja Wellness this month and receive $10 off a scheduled appointment for yourself. 


Product Specials

  • Buy (1) Lily of the Desert Organic Whole Leaf Preservative-Free Aloe Vera Juice (8 oz, $6) and receive $1.00 off the second.
  • Receive $1 off a Handy Pantry Sprouting Lid (for a wide-mouth mason jar).  Regular price $4, sale $3.
  • Receive $1 off an Earth Therapeutics Natural Bristle Dry Brush for your daily skincare.


Shitali Pranayama

Shitali Pranayama is a cooling breathing exercise used to cool the body and mind.

Stick out the tongue and roll it into a tube.  Inhale through the rolled tongue and pause the breath in the belly (to cool Pitta in the digestive system) before exhaling.  If you are unable to roll the tongue, close the teeth and press the tongue against the back of the teeth gently.  Open the lips in a relaxed manner and inhale through the teeth. 


Wisdom for Pitta

Never look down on anybody, unless you are going to help them up.
-Rev. Jesse Jackson

As you continue to send out love, the energy returns to you in a regenerating spiral...As love accumulates it keeps your system in balance and harmony.  Love is the tool, and more love is the end product.
-Sara Paddison, Hidden Power of the Heart

All you must do is accept all that is unacceptable to you.
-Cheri Huber

Puja Wellness • 3545 University Avenue • Madison • WI • 53705

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