action news...
February 22, 2008

This week in the Re-think series: The Bible This week at actionchurch we will be continueing the Re-th(ink) series and talking about the Bible. Everyone has different perceptions about the Bible. The "white-rapper-dude" in this video has some serious "Bible Issues"...I find myself both laughing and cringing when I watch it. Yikes-I think there's a treatment center for that!

So what do you think about the Bible? Do you think it's just another book? Do you think it's like a "magic 8-ball" that you open up and wait for answers? Do you think it's like a text book that you study to pass the "Christian Test"? Do you think it's like a "Book of Magic" that you search for the "magic" verse to repeat like an "incantation"? Are you unsure about what the Bible is "for" but somehow feel like reading it is the "right thing to do".

I am looking forward to talking about the Bible using something "familiar" that I bet you've never considered...

See ya Sunday.
Link to video:

I said what?! This week the York Daily Record ran a story about last weeks service at Fat Daddy's. I laughed so hard I almost spit out my coffee when I read this quote:

"Record introduced his sermon Sunday with a clip from "American Idol" and mentioned Nascar, Aerosmith, the Acts of the Apostles, Elvis, diarrhea, Forrest Gump and John the Baptist in his message."

It was especially funny because it was absolutely true... I know a lot of churches encourage "note taking" during the sermon...that might not be such a good idea at actionchurch. Who knows what I might say this week...
Link to the story:

Just the Facts... Sunday Mornings- 11-12
at: Fat Daddy's Nightclub
2510 E. Markets Street,
York, PA

Band this week: Torn From Red

Sermon Series: Re-th(ink) ...because the only thing harder to change than your tattoo, is your perceptions!

For the kids- actionkidz is open upstairs from preschool to fourth graders.

The heated deck is open for a more "laid back" actionchurch experience.

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