Three Advantages of Sending an Introductory Email
Hi, nice to meet you. When an introduction is made it’s considered common courtesy to greet the other person, give them your name if they don’t already have it, and assuming you aren’t a superhero getting an in-person introduction to your newest nemesis, say a little something to indicate your pleasure at meeting the other person. So, it would stand to reason that when you “meet” a person via sending them your newsletter, an introduction would be appropriate.
The 3 Advantages to Sending an Introductory Email Newsletter:
1. Sending out an introductory email gives you an opportunity to utilize a double-opt in. Double opt-ins tend to lead to higher subscriber rates and keeps your sending list clean. Sounds pretty good, right? This also serves to weed out uninterested readers or emails mistaken sent to the wrong address.
2. An introductory email gives you a chance to welcome the person to your email newsletter and give them a brief tour. It would be inappropriate to write every email newsletter as if the reader might never have seen one before, so a welcome letter would be the perfect time to show readers what you have to offer. It’s a great time to thank them for subscribing as well.
3. A “Welcome” newsletter will save you from social faux-pas. In face-to-face interactions walking up to a person you’ve never met and asking them for money isn’t exactly a good start to a conversation. In fact, it makes most people rather uncomfortable. If the first communication a new reader gets from you is a welcome newsletter, then you can rest assured that when your fundraising or sale newsletter arrives, they’ll have already received a gracious and non-monetarily driven communication first.