May 15, 2010
Oh MY what a week this has been!
Here it is, for example, 4:30 on Saturday afternoon and I am JUST getting time to sit and write this note to you. Gee whiz!
As you see, it started out with a bear visiting me. And then:
My mentor, Nora, came last week. She flew in on Thursday in time for a guest appearance at our Dinner and Conversation that night. I’d let a few details wait until the last minute (true to form) so that afternoon I was picking up the sound system, getting the final ingredients for that night’s dinner and also for the next day’s luncheon. The dinner was fine, fun, delicious and a good time.
Nora stayed with me and Tye, being a dog, does not do laundry or vacuuming so I had that to do, right at the last minute (all that dog hair collects so there is not much point in doing it too much in advance of a visitor…) I flipped back and forth, trying to decide if she should stay in my room or if my den would be okay. If I moved, I’d have to get clothes and pills and my toothbrush and Tye’s bed and all that. But if she stayed in the den, well, it’s not a fancy room – it’s just a den and what if it was not nice enough? (I went back and forth with this game for some time before deciding that my den was fine.)
Friday’s luncheon was preceded by her speech which was preceded by my introduction. And we were providing the meal and I was serving it – putting the food on the plates, which meant getting to work in time to pick everything up in time to get it there in time…and because I was speaking that TIME was earlier than anyone would have like it to be.
But all went well. We got the food. We got there right on time. I introduced. Nora spoke – eloquently and with conviction (she IS the person who had the very first 100% certified organic restaurant in the US, after all, and has a lot to say about that.) Jaime and I plated all the food and the garden club gals served it. Zoom zoom.
I could have stopped at that point, but Nora was only here for a short time, so she came with me to return the sound system and then we went to the Biltmore Estate, where my sister, a new guide, gave us a very personalized tour. Zoom.
Dinner followed. Indian food. And then a visit to the Orange Peel to hear The Carolina Chocolate Drops. Oh, and it was my birthday yesterday and so each event was punctuated by the Happy Birthday song or by a phone call from someone wishing me happy birthday (and siniging the happy birthday song.) We had cake for breakfast (at work) and I treated myself to ice cream at the Biltmore Estate.
Today: Nora to the airport. Laurey: delivery babe for a graduation party. Back to the shop. Try to write the newsletter. Zip to the store for a couple of things. Back to work. Try to write the newsletter. Talk to a client. Write a menu. Visit a friend. Answer the phone. Do a delivery. Sigh. Finally sit down to write you a note. Now it's 5. I gotta go home!
Tomorrow is a graduation party. I am omelet babe. And then it is Monday, glassblowing day. And who knows what else. Don’t worry, I’ll let you know what happens. Zoom.