October 30, 2010
I wore my winter parka last night and I’m sitting here shivering in the office right now. We have a party going on in the Garden Room and while THEY are all toasty and happily taking pictures of each other and enjoying the camaraderie, I’m FREEZING!
The sacrifices I make!
Actually, I’m thrilled to have these folks here. I love chilly weather and I was happy to watch a football game in the cold air, happy to be snug in my parka with my dorky hat – that was keeping my head warm.
I’m invigorated by this weather. I go home each day and blow the leaves off the deck. The next day I come home and there’s a whole new collection. Rather than feeling like Sisyphus, I am enjoying the routine, the repetition, the satisfaction. Silly, perhaps. Tye, my pup, follows me around, shaking her head at her dumb mom.
Yesterday when I got home Tye was in her usual spot, head poking through the logs of the porch railing. But yesterday, rather than squealing with delight at seeing me, she was quaking with excitement because there were 12 chickens tauntingly scratching around – right underneath the porch! MOM! MOM! MOM! Let me out! Let me get those things for you!!!
Did I tell you about Tye grabbing, shaking and killing a chicken right before a brunch earlier this summer? It was dramatic and horrifying and very quick.
And there was no way I was letting her off the porch yesterday. Visions of feathers and dead chickens flew through my mind and, try as she would, Tye did not convince me to let her go. I got out the blower, tried to calmly ignore her pleas, and swept off the collected leaves. After that I went inside and, caught up by a spurt of energy, I vacuumed my entire house. I cleaned the kitchen. Emptied the garbage. Checked my e-mails. And then realized Tye had been suspiciously absent from these chores.
Normally she pads around with me as I clean up each room. Normally she sighs, settles in, waiting for my frenzy to subside.
But yesterday, as I realized she was AWOL I whistled. Much to my relief she came right away – from inside the house. Uh oh, I thought, I’ve left the gate open. But no, once I followed I found the source of her attention.
Way in the back of the house, just on the other side of the fence, the flock of chickens posed, tantalizingly close, but safely ensconced in the trees. They clucked, paraded, muttered.
Poor girl. I stowed the vacuum cleaner, tucked her into the car, and gave her a little drive to let her settle down. And last night, curled in her bed, she whimpered in her sleep. Maybe she was flying after those pesky birds.
I love my dog.