Custom Subscriber Pages
About This Feature
Subscription URLs allows our users to use external webpages for readers to subscribe, opt-in, or unsubscribe from your newsletter. When you include links to these in the Subscription URL section, MNB will forward your subscribers to that page for that action. These are all completely optional, of course - we wouldn’t leave you hanging! If you opt not to use external pages, MNB’s stock pages will be automatically used.
How to Use This Feature
It is up to each user to create their own external web pages. Once you have this page created, you will go to “Subscribers” in the main menu and click “Preferences.” On the Preferences page, click on “Options” in the left side menu. On the Options page, you will see entry boxes for URLs under the title “Subscription URLS.” As always, be sure to click the green save button when you’ve finished inputting your URLs.
You may submit a custom URL for the following subscriber actions: Subscribe, Opt-in, Unsubscribe. Any time a user completes one of these actions they will automatically be directed to your webpage. From there, the rest is up to you!
Best Uses
Custom pages allow you to enhance company branding and recognition. You can use these pages to gather more information about your readers and your email marketing campaigns, which will make your newsletter a greater value to your readers.
Your subscribe and opt-in pages are a prime location for making sure that future readers know what they are in for and set preferences. Give readers a sample of what you have to offer and consider a gift or discount for signing up.
Another item of interest for email marketers is why people unsubscribe. Are they tired of your content? Have they lost interest? Did your newsletters change? Did they receive too many newsletters? Is your content no longer relevant to them? Conducting an exit survey is a great way to find out why people are leaving. Keep your survey short and sweet to increase the likelihood that users will be willing to engage. Sometimes all you need is one request: “Please tell us why are you unsubscribing.”
Subscriber Preferences
About This Feature
Preferences allows you to control settings for your what information is collected from your subscribers during the sign-up process, how groups are displayed to subscribers, and the subscription processes.
How to Use This Feature
Select "Preferences" under "Subscribers" in the main menu. You can navigate the preference settings by using the menu in the left column.
[+] Step 1: Email Page
This is the first page that a new subscriber sees when they sign up from your email list. Under "Header URL", input a URL to make your logo or title a link. This can be to your homepage or another page. Next, create a title for the first step of the email process, or leave the default title in place. Finally, create a description of what you want the subscriber to do. The subscriber will be inputting their email address on this page.
When you're done, make sure you click save. You may also click "Preview" from the left-side menu to see what it will look like.
[+] Step 2: Groups
This is the page where subscribers will select the email group(s) they want to sign up for. First, create a title for this step of the subscriber process. Next, create a description. You can use the title and description provided or create your own. Finally, you can determine which subscriber groups you want displayed on the form. There are three options:
Show: the subscriber category will be displayed in the sign-up process.
Hide: the subscriber category will not be displayed in the sign-up process. This is ideal for internal-use only categories.
Default: whether you show or hide the category, you can select any amount of categories that people will automatically be placed into. Remember to click "Save"!
[+] Step 3: Data Fields
This is where you determine what subscriber data you want to collect. First, create a title for this page. Next, create a description. You can use the default title and description. Next, you need to select the standard fields that you want on your subscriber process. They will be required to give an email address; you can require additional fields as well. If you do not want to include a field in your signup process, uncheck “display”. Now you can create custom data fields for any data you wish to collect that was not included. Click "Save" when you are finished.
[+] Step 4: Thanks Page
This is where you thank your subscribers for signing up to your newsletter. Select the title for your thank you page, and then write your message. You can use the default title and message, or create your own similar message. Once you’re finished, click "Save".
[+] Step 5: Options
During this step, you create system responses to different actions from your subscriber.
Welcome Newsletter: this lets you select a newsletter to be automatically sent to new subscribers when they confirm their subscription. Select a newsletter for this from the drop-down box, or select "None" to disable this option. Tip: Create a newsletter for this purpose.
Subscription URLs: input a URL and MNB will direct subscribers to that page after they complete one one of the listed actions: subscribe, opt-in (confirms subscription), unsubscribe. To use the default "thank you" page for any action, leave the field blank.
Notifications: this lets you choose whether to be notified via email when a new person subscribes, or when someone unsubscribes. Both of these options are selected by default.
Group Selection: when an individual subscribes to your email marketing newsletter through a newsletter, use these settings to choose which categories they will be subscribed to. They can be subscribed into a pre-selected default category, the category the forwarded newsletter was sent to, or both. To pre-select a default category, go to Subscribers → Sign-up Builder.
Once you’re finished, click the green save button.
[+] Actions
Preview. Click preview to see your subscription pages. A second window will appear that will guide you through your newly created subscription process. You will need to have pop-up blocker set to allow pop-ups from MNB. Don’t worry, we promise not to install pop-up ads.
Restore Defaults. Warning! pressing this button will undo any customization you have ever done to your subscriber forms. Consider it a red button and please steer clear. Unless of course, you want to reset your subscriber preferences to the default settings.
Best Uses
The preferences feature helps you customize and tailor your email subscription process. Choosing how much information you require is a balancing act. Asking for too much may scare away potential subscribers. Getting too little information makes it difficult to sort and identify subscribers through demographics. Also, consider including a description of the subscription options if you have more than one.
You can hide and reveal specific groups based on which you intend to be available for subscribers to opt into and others which you intend to intentionally and selectively populate. In addition, having an automatic welcome newsletter empowers you to immediately engage with new subscribers.