Enterprise Accounts
About this Feature
The Enterprise tool allows users to create and share newsletters, templates, and media with a network of linked sub-accounts. Enterprise accounts are ideal for businesses with multiple branches, locations, or outlets who need to create uniform email content to be issued from multiple sources.
Enterprise accounts are available as an upgrade to standard MyNewsletterBuilder accounts. Once you have subscribed to the Enterprise service, you will need to provide MNB’s support team with a list of any MNB accounts that need to be added as sub-accounts. We will need approval from the sub-account holders as well. Once in place, you will be able to share content with all linked sub-accounts through the Enterprise menu.
How to Use this Feature
On the main menu, hover over “Accounts” and select “Enterprise” to be directed to the on the Enterprise tab in the sub-menu at the top of your screen. This will take you to the Enterprise Account Services page, where you can review your account summary, search sub-accounts, manage sub-account groups, push, share, and send content.
[+] Summary
The summary of your Enterprise Account is located on the Enterprise Account Services landing page, or by clicking “Summary” in the left side menu. The summary indicates your Enterprise Account Quota information. For assistance with your enterprise account quota, please contact support.
[+] Search
The search feature allows you to see a list of all the sub-accounts linked to your master account. At the top of the center column, a Search toolbar allows you to find specific sub-accounts by username. You can also narrow the search parameters by selecting a specific group of sub-accounts (
see + Groups).
Below the search toolbar, you’ll see all of the sub-accounts currently linked to your account with the following information:
- Username. This is the MyNewsletterBuilder-specific username of each Sub-Account.
- Name. This is the first and last name of the Sub-Account holder.
- Subscribers. This is the number of subscribers the user has in their Sub-Account.
- Mailed. This is the number of email newsletters issued by the Sub-Account holder.
- Last Send. This is the date on which the Sub-Account holder issued their most recent email newsletter.
- Options. This category will display an “Inactive” status for all Sub-Accounts that are no longer current. Active Sub-Accounts will display a “Log In” status. Click this function to navigate to the Dashboard of that user’s account. From there, you’ll have access to all of the standard functions of that account.
View. Adjust the number of listed returns by using the drop down menu under View in the display menu. You can select between 25, 50, 75 and 100 sub-accounts to display.
Actions. The Actions tools allow you to further organize your linked sub-accounts by copying or moving each to Groups within your Enterprise account.
- Copy to Group. The “Copy to Group” feature allows you to add sub-accounts to a group within your Enterprise account without removing them from their current group. Select the desired sub-account(s) by clicking the checkbox next to each user name, then click “Copy to Group.” This will take you to a separate page displaying each of the Groups you have created within your Enterprise Account. Click on the desired group to complete the transaction.
- Move to Group. This allows you to remove a sub-account from their current group and places them in the new selected group. Select the desired sub-account(s) by clicking the checkbox next to each user name, and then click “Move to Group.” This will take you to a separate page displaying each of the Groups you have created within your Enterprise Account. Click on the desired group to complete the transaction.
[+] Groups
Groups make it easier to organize and manage sub-accounts. The Groups function allows Enterprise account users to see a list of all the sub-account groups. From within the Groups tool, Enterprise account holders can access the user names and email addresses, as well as a few sending statistics about each sub-account. From the master account, the user can also access each sub-account individually.
On the main “Edit Groups” page, you’ll see a quick look at any sub-groups you have created in your Enterprise account. Next to each group name, you’ll see a brief description (if added), the number of accounts in that group, whether or not the group is visible on your signup form, and buttons to edit or delete the group from your account.
Add Group. To create a new group, simply type a new group name into the “Add Group” field at the top of the center column on the “Edit Groups” page. Keep in mind that in some signup boxes, subscribers will be able to see the group name, so make sure it is acceptable and easy to understand.
You can also add a brief summary of the group in the “Description” field to give you a better idea of what the group will be used for, or which sub-accounts are included within.
When you have entered the group name and any description material, click Add. The new group will appear at the top of list.
Options. In the far right column of the “Edit Groups” page, you’ll see the “Options” column. There you’ll find two linked icons that allow you to adjust certain parameters within the group.
- Edit this group. Clicking on the “Edit this Group” button will take you to the Edit Group page. There you’ll have the option to adjust the group name, description and whether or not the group is listed on the sub-account signup form. Click the Update button to save any changes.
- Delete this group. When you click on the “Delete this Group” button, you will be directed to a Delete Group prompt. When you remove a group from you Enterprise account, any sub-accounts not listed in another group will no longer be linked to your account.
Group tools. Click on any of the group names to navigate to the group management page. Here you’ll find a list of all the sub-accounts in that group and the option for group metrics at the bottom. You’ll be able to see the following information about each sub-account in the columns listed below:
- Username. This is the MyNewsletterBuilder-specific username of each sub-account.
- Name. This is the first and last name of the sub-account holder.
- Subscribers. This is the number of subscribers the user has in their sub-account.
- Mailed. This is the number of email newsletters issued by the sub-account holder.
- Last Send. This is the date on which the sub-account holder issued their most recent email newsletter.
- Options. This category will display an “Inactive” status for all sub-accounts that are no longer current. Active sub-accounts will display a “Log In” status allowing you to enter and use their account as you would your own. Clicking the Log In function from the options column will take you to the dashboard of that user’s account. From there, you’ll have access to all of standard functions of that account.
From the group management page, you’ll be able to:
- Copy to group. This will copy any selected sub-account(s) to the group of your choice without removing them from their current group.
- Move to group. This will copy any selected sub-account(s) to the group of your choice and remove them from their current group.
- Remove from [group name]. This will remove any selected sub-accounts from their current group. If they are only linked to your enterprise account through their current group (and no other), they will no longer be linked to your account.
Group Reports. At the bottom of the group page, you have the option of creating reports about that group. You can create a report that shows the groups’ subscribes, unsubscribes, or the master list of subscribers for any or all of the sub-accounts in that group. To create a report:
- Step 1: Select the type of report you want to produce.
- Step 2: For Subscribes or Unsubscribes, select the date range for your report. For obtaining a master list, select from active removed or pending subscribers, or any combination of the 3.
[+] Push
The Push feature allows you to select an email newsletter to distribute among a group or groups of sub-accounts. Click “Push” in the Display menu on the Enterprise Account Services page to be taken to the Push Content management screen.
Step 1: Select a Newsletter. Using the “Select a Newsletter” tool, click on the drop down menu to choose a newsletter from your newsletter archive.
Step 2: Select Group(s). Next, you’ll see the “Select Group(s)” tool on the right. Click the selection boxes next to each of the group names to which you’d like to push the newsletter.
Push. When you have chosen a newsletter and recipient group(s), click the green “Push” button at the bottom of the screen. This will distribute the newsletter to all of the sub-accounts assigned to the selected group. The newsletter will appear in the drafts section of their newsletter archive. This can be located by navigating to “Newsletters” on the main menu, and selecting “View”. sub-account holders will be able to edit the newsletter before sending.
[+] Send
The send feature allows you to select a newsletter from your newsletter archive and send it to all the subscribers attached to any selected sub-accounts. You are essentially sending your content through the sub-account and by-passing any opportunity for sub-account managers to edit the content. The email will go directly to the sub-accounts’ subscribers. Click the Send option in the Display menu on the “Enterprise Account Services” page to navigate to the “Send Content” management screen.
Step 1: Select a Newsletter. Using the “Select a Newsletter” tool, choose one of your newsletters to send.
Step 2: Scheduled. Below “Select a Newsletter,” you can select the date and time to send the selected newsletter using the drop down menus to select the month, day, and time to send.
Step 3: Select Group(s). Finally, select the sub-account groups that you will send your newsletter through.
Send. Once you have selected a newsletter, sending time and group or groups, click the green “Send” button at the bottom of your screen to complete the transaction. Your selected newsletter will be pushed to all of the sub-accounts linked to the group you selected, and then scheduled to send from those accounts on the chosen time and date. You will see a confirmation message appear above the “Send Content” header after you click “Send.”
[+] Share
The Sharing utility allows you to set snippets, newsletters, custom templates and Genie templates to be automatically distributed among any new sub-accounts linked to your Enterprise account in the future. This can be particularly helpful if your organization frequently adds new branches or affiliates. Setting items to share will ensure that all sub-accounts linked to your Enterprise account have access to essential content without requiring regular action from you.
Step 1: Select Content. Directly below the “Share Content” header, you can select any Snippet, newsletter, custom template or Genie template currently in your account. To select the item you’d like to share, click on any of the four category names (Snippet, newsletter, etc…), and then click on the item in the drop down list next to each category name. Note: You can only share one item at a time.
Step 2: Select Accounts. On the right, choose from any or all existing group(s) in your Enterprise account, or select to share the item with “All Signups” – this will automatically issue the item to all new sub-accounts linked to your Enterprise account in the future, regardless of which group they are assigned to.
Share. Once you have selected an item and a group, or groups, click the green “Share” button at the bottom of your screen. This will add the item to your “Shared Content” list, and automatically issue the item to all sub-accounts linked to your enterprise account in the future.
Edit. If you would like to remove any item from your “Shared Content” list, click on “Edit” under the “Tools” menu in the left side column of the “Share Content” page. This will take you to a list of all the items set to share from your Enterprise account. To remove any item, simply click the green “Remove” button next to each item name. You’ll be prompted with a confirmation pop-up asking you to confirm your removal. Click “OK” to complete or “Cancel” to abort.
Best Uses
The Enterprise account management system is ideal for franchised businesses, organizations with multiple locations, or affiliate programs. Enterprise accounts are great ways to create a uniform, branded message and still allow for personal or customized touches. Try building brand-centric newsletters in your master account to ensure essential content is presented the way you want, but leave room for each sub-account to add information relevant to their specific client base or network, such as regional news, contact information, or local specials.